
Interactive Starry Night - Petros Vrellis

Interactive Starry Night painting art

Interactive Starry Night painting art

Me encanta la versión interactiva del cuadro de Van Gogh, La noche estrellada, del artista griego Petros Vrellis.

Love this interactive version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Greek digital artist Petros Vrellis used openFrameworks to convert the post-impressionist painting into an interactive artwork, where touch-sensitive gestures change the direction of the wind, sprout new buildings, and create ambient background tones.

Starry Night (interactive animation) from Petros Vrellis on Vimeo.

Via creativeapplications


Social Media Explained


¿Sigues sin entender qué sirve para qué en la red? Echa un vistazo, social media explicado clarito...

Via happyplace


Momento lectura

Qué gracia!!! Todas estas posturas las he practicado leyendo, jaja... hoy en día los críos practican estas posturas sobre todo con las Nintendos, iPads, y demás!!!

Have you ever read in any of these positions as a child? Nowadays children will practise these positions as they play with the Nintendos, iPads or whatever!


Amanaemonesia - Chairlift

Me encanta Chairlift! Segundo vídeo publicado en mi blog de este grupo!! Esta canción Amanaemonesia es superpegadiza, y qué decir del baile!!!! Anima hasta este triste frío lunes de febrero!

Love this Amanaemonesia song. It´s so catchy! It´s stuck in my head! Is it amnesia?
Mistaken for magic? (Mistaken for magic.) 

You lost your focus
But I got a plan for it
With a secret ingredient
And you are infinitely invited
Just leave alone the geminis
Two of them and four of eyes
(And you are infinitely Invited)

No one could not agree (it's unanimously decided)
They've come for you and me (that we're dangerously surrounded)
Their boats are full of flames
They paint the grasses green
Repeating history
They don't say what they mean

Is it amnesia?
Mistaken for magic? (Mistaken for magic.)
Silver hours
Silver hours
Becoming a habit? (Chasing the rabbit.)
Is it amnesia?
Mistaken for magic? (Mistaken for magic. Mistaken for magic.)

Spacing out in a nook and cranny
It's officially uncanny
It's a fish in a sea of granite
Just leave alone the geminis
Two of them and four of eyes

No one could not agree (it's unanimously decided)
They've come for you and me (that we're dangerously surrounded)
Their boats are full of flames
They paint the grasses green
Repeating history
They don't say what they mean

Is it amnesia
Mistaken for magic (Mistaken for magic.)
Silver hours
Silver hours
Becoming a habit (Chasing the rabbit.)
Is it amnesia
Mistaken for magic (Mistaken for magic. Mistaken for magic. Mistaken for magic.)


There's a system of symbols that no one will vouch for
Everyone uses, but no one believes
There's a dog in the yard with a manner that's ruff
Yet there's something about you that he understands
The girl at the window, covered in ashes
Smiles grotesquely in the light of the day
Singing in German, a cold summer warning
But I can't remember what I meant to say...

Is it Amanaemonesia
(Mistaken for magic.)
Amanaemonesia, woah
(Chasing the rabbit)
(Mistaken for magic. Mistaken for magic. Mistaken for magic.)