Esto es un experimento, sí sí. Un experimento para una persona ajena al mundo de las nuevas tecnologías. Un experimento de una madre que ve cómo crecen sus hijos y que no está al día de todos los avances de los que ellos van a disponer, que no tiene tiempo para quedar todo lo que le gustaría con sus amigos, ni para hacer todas las cosas que le gustan. Intentaré estar conectada... da igual dónde esté! En fin, vamos a probar, es un experimento...



Murakami Rocking Chair

Para estos días fríos que apetece quedarse en casa... ¿qué os parece esta mecedora que genera electricidad con el movimiento? A mí me ha encantado la idea ...

Rochus Jacob es el diseñador:

"I was looking for opportunities to generate energy through activities we naturally do. The final result is a rocking chair that enables the user to experience production and consumption of electricity in a gentle and rewarding way. An abstract process becomes tangible and eventually cultivates natural awareness. Complexity is covered by simplicity. Advanced nano-dynamo technology which is built in to the skids of the chair and more efficient light sources such as the newly developed OLED generation makes it possible to build a rocking chair with a reading lamp running on electricity generated from the rocking motion. During daylight the energy gets stored in a battery pack. The construction of the flat and bendable organic light emitting diodes allows new form factors such as using the traditional shape of a lamp but instead of having a light bulb the lampshade himself turns out to be the light source. To have a drastic reduction of consumption the big challenge will be to make consuming less feel like getting more."

Simplemente genial!

Vía designboom

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